
in reverse chronological order


  1. pnas_paper_2025.jpg
    New evidence for early Indian Ocean trade routes into the South African interior [Article]
    Alexander Antonites, Annie R. Antonites, Christian E. Peterson, and 2 more authors


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    Desigualdad y poder desde hace más de 8,000 años en el Continente Americano y China: Una visión desde la antropología [Chapter]
    Robert D. Drennan, C. Adam Berrey, and Christian E. Peterson
    In América Latina y el Caribe - China. Historia, Cultura y Aprendizaje del Chino 2022, Enrique Dussán [ed.], pp. 79–99. Union de Universidades de America Latina y el Caribe: Mexico City, 2023


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    CA* Comment on "Shimao and the rise of states in China: Archaeology, historiography and myth," by Yitzchak Y. Jaffe, Rod Campbell, and Gideon Shelach-Lavi. [Comment]
    Christian E. Peterson
    Current Anthropology 63(1):108–109, 2022


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    Chifeng diqu de luluo xingtai yanjiu / Settlement patterns research in the Chifeng region [Book]
    Chifeng International Collaborative Archeological Research Project [eds.]
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    Kaoguxue zhong de quyu juluo renkou / Regional settlement demography in archaeology [Book]
    Robert D. Drennan, C. Adam Berrey, and Christian E. Peterson
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    Local economies and household spacing in early chiefdom communities [Article]
    C. Adam Berrey, Robert D. Drennan, and Christian E. Peterson
    PLoS ONE 16(5): e0252532, 2021


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    Environmental risk buffering in Chinese Neolithic villages: Impacts on community structure in the Central Plains and the Western Liao Valley [Article]
    Robert D. Drennan, Christian E. Peterson, and C. Adam Berrey
    Archaeological Research in Asia 21:100165, 2020


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    Archaeological assessment reveals Earth’s early transformation through land use [Article]
    Lucas Stephens, Dorian Fuller, Nicole Boivin, and 97 more authors
    Science 365(6456):897–902, 2019


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    Letting the Gini out of the bottle: Measuring inequality archaeologically [Chapter]
    Christian E. Peterson, and Robert D. Drennan
    In Ten thousand years of inequality: The archaeology of wealth differences, Timothy A. Kohler, and Michael E. Smith [eds.], pp. 39–66. University of Arizona Press: Tuscon, 2018
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    Deep inequality: Summary and conclusions [Chapter]
    Timothy A. Kohler, Michael E. Smith, Amy Bogaard, and 8 more authors
    In Ten thousand years of inequality: The archaeology of wealth differences, Timothy A. Kohler, and Michael E. Smith [eds.], pp. 289–317. University of Arizona Press: Tuscon, 2018


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    Greater post-Neolithic wealth disparities in Eurasia than in North America and Mesoamerica [Article]
    Timothy A. Kohler, Michael E. Smith, Amy Bogaard, and 15 more authors
    Nature 551(7682):619–622, 2017
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    Hongshan households and communities in Neolithic northeastern China [Article]
    Robert D. Drennan, Christian E. Peterson, Xueming Lu, and 1 more author
    Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 47:50–71, 2017
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    A place of pilgrimage? Niuheliang and its place in Hongshan society [Article]
    Robert D. Drennan, Xueming Lu, and Christian E. Peterson
    Antiquity 91(355):43–56, 2017
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    Upper Daling region Hongshan household and community dataset. Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh [Digital database]
    Christian E. Peterson, Xueming Lu, Robert D. Drennan, and 1 more author
  5. CCADB
    Upper Daling region Hongshan household and community dataset: An introduction. 21 pp. Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh [Digital resource]
    Christian E. Peterson, Xueming Lu, Robert D. Drennan, and 1 more author


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    Comparative analysis of Neolithic household artifact assemblage data from northern China [Article]
    Christian E. Peterson, Robert D. Drennan, and Kate L. Bartel
    Journal of Anthropological Research 72(2):200–225, 2016


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    Regional settlement demography in archaeology [Book]
    Robert D. Drennan, C. Adam Berrey, and Christian E. Peterson
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    Jiangzhai: Zhongguo yizuo xinshiqi zhongqi cunluo de shehui yu yongji jiegou / Jiangzhai: Social and Economic Structure of a Middle Neolithic Village [Article]
    Christian E. Peterson, and Gideon Shelach
    Nanfang Wenwu [Southern Relics] 4:250–265, 2015


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    Hongshan regional organization in the Upper Daling valley [Book]
    Christian E. Peterson, Lu Xueming, Robert D. Drennan, and 1 more author
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    Settlement and social dynamics in the Upper Daling and Chifeng regions of northeastern China [Article]
    Robert D. Drennan, Christian E. Peterson, Xueming Lu, and 2 more authors
    Asian Archaeology 2:50–76, 2014
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    Upper Daling regional settlement dataset. Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh [Digital database]
    Christian E. Peterson, Xueming Lu, Robert D. Drennan, and 1 more author


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    Understanding Hongshan period social dynamics [Chapter]
    Christian E. Peterson, and Lu Xueming
    In A companion to Chinese archaeology, Anne P. Underhill [ed.], pp. 55–80. Wiley-Blackwell: Malden, MA, 2013


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    Jiangzhai: Social and economic organization of a middle Neolithic Chinese village [Article]
    Christian E. Peterson, and Gideon Shelach
    Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 31:265–301, 2012
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    Comparative archaeology: A commitment to understanding variation [Chapter]
    Robert D. Drennan, Timothy Earle, Gary M. Feinman, and 9 more authors
    In The comparative archaeology of complex societies, Michael E. Smith [ed.], pp. 1–3. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2012
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    Challenges for comparative study of early complex societies [Chapter]
    Robert D. Drennan, and Christian E. Peterson
    In The comparative archaeology of complex societies, Michael E. Smith [ed.], pp. 62–87. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2012
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    Patterned variation in regional trajectories of community growth [Chapter]
    Christian E. Peterson, and Robert D. Drennan
    In The comparative archaeology of complex societies, Michael E. Smith [ed.], pp. 88–137. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2012
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    Doing regional archaeological settlement patterns survey in northeast China [Textbook Contribution]
    Christian E. Peterson
    In Archaeology and prehistory: Pathways through time [2nd Canadian ed.], Michael Chazen, pp. 354–355. Pearson Education Canada: Toronto, 2012
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    Fushanzhuang community dataset. Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh [Digital database]
    Christian E. Peterson


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    The comparative study of chiefly communities in the Eurasian steppe region [Article]
    Robert D. Drennan, Bryan K. Hanks, and Christian E. Peterson
    Social Evolution and History: Studies in the Evolution of Human Societies 10(1):149–186, 2011
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    Settlement patterns in the Chifeng region [Book]
    Chifeng International Collaborative Archeological Research Project [eds.]
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    Absolute dating [Chapter]
    Gideon Shelach, Robert D. Drennan, and Christian E. Peterson
    In Regional archeology in eastern Inner Mongolia: A methodological exploration / Neimenggu dongbu (Chifeng) quyu kaogu diaocha jieduanxing baogao, Chifeng International Collaborative Archeological Research Project [eds.], pp. 19–22. Science Press: Beijing., 2011
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    Lithics, faunal remains, and bone artifacts [Chapter]
    Christian E. Peterson
    In Regional settlement patterns in the Chifeng region, Chifeng International Collaborative Archeological Research Project [eds.], pp. 23–26. University of Pittsburgh Center for Comparative Archaeology: Pittsburgh., 2011
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    Methods for regional demographic analysis [Chapter]
    Robert D. Drennan, and Christian E. Peterson
    In Regional settlement patterns in the Chifeng region, Chifeng International Collaborative Archeological Research Project [eds.], pp. 57–79. University of Pittsburgh Center for Comparative Archaeology: Pittsburgh., 2011
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    Methods for delineating community patterns [Chapter]
    Christian E. Peterson, and Robert D. Drennan
    In Regional settlement patterns in the Chifeng region, Chifeng International Collaborative Archeological Research Project [eds.], pp. 80–87. University of Pittsburgh Center for Comparative Archaeology: Pittsburgh., 2011
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    Sequence of social change [Chapter]
    Chifeng International Collaborative Archeological Research Project
    In Regional settlement patterns in the Chifeng region, Chifeng International Collaborative Archeological Research Project [eds.], pp. 101–140. University of Pittsburgh Center for Comparative Archaeology: Pittsburgh., 2011


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    Hongshan chiefly communities in Neolithic northeastern China [Article]
    Christian E. Peterson, Lu Xueming, Robert D. Drennan, and 1 more author
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107:5756–5761, 2010
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    Liaoning Dalinghe shangyou liuyu kaogu diaocha jianbao / Report on the Liaoning Daling river basin archaeological survey [Article]
    Xueming Lu, Christian E. Peterson, Robert D. Drennan, and 1 more author
    Kaogu 5:24–35, 2010
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    Degrees and kinds of inequality [Chapter]
    Robert D. Drennan, Christian E. Peterson, and Jake R. Fox
    In Pathways to power, T. Douglas Price, and Gary M. Feinman [eds.], pp. 45-76. Springer: New York, 2010
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    The evolution of Early Yangshao period village organization in the middle reaches of northern China’s Yellow River valley [Chapter]
    Christian E. Peterson, and Gideon Shelach
    In Becoming villagers: Comparing early village societies, Matthew S. Bandy, and Jake R. Fox [eds.], pp. 246–275. University of Arizona Press: Tucson, 2010


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    Collaborative research in East and Southeast Asia [Special Issue]
    Christian E. Peterson, and Ben Marwick [eds.]
    SAA Archaeological Record 9(3), 2009
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    Lower Xiajiadian Period Demography and Sociopolitical Organization—Some Results of Collaborative Regional Settlement Patterns Research in NE China [Short Communication]
    SAA Archaeological Record 9(3):32–35, 2009
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    La Comunidad y el cacicazgo: Un estudio comparativo de patrones de asentamiento regional en el Alto Magdalena, el Valle de Oaxaca, y Mongolia Interior / The community and the chiefdom: A comparative study of regional settlement patterns in Upper Magdalena, the Valley of Oaxaca, and Inner Mongolia [Chapter]
    Robert D. Drennan, and Christian E. Peterson
    In Economía, prestigo y poder: Perspectivas desde la arqueología, Carlos A. Sánchez [ed.], pp. 168–205. Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia: Bogotá., 2009


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    Centralized communities, population, and social complexity after sedentarization [Chapter]
    Robert D. Drennan, and Christian E. Peterson
    In The Neolithic demographic transition and its consequences, Jean-Pierre Bouquet-Appel, and Ofer Bar-Yosef [eds.], pp. 359–386. Springer: New York, 2008
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    Fushanzhuang yizhi ge’an yanjiu / The Fushanzhuang site case study [Short Communication]
    Christian E. Peterson
    Chifeng Xueyuan Xuebao [Journal of Chifeng College, Special Issue No. 1: Monograph of Hongshan Culture Research]:88, 2008


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    Patterned variation in prehistoric chiefdoms [Article]
    Robert D. Drennan, and Christian E. Peterson
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103(11):3960–3967, 2006
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    Distributional patterns: Resources, communities, and polities / Patrones de distribución: Recursos, comunidades, y unidades políticas [Chapter]
    Robert D. Drennan, Dale W. Quatrin, and Christian E. Peterson
    In Prehispanic chiefdoms in the Valle de la Plata, Volume 5: Regional settlement patterns / Cacicazgos prehispánicos del Valle de la Plata, Tomo 5: Patrones de asentamiento regionales, Robert D. Drennan [ed.], pp. 99–154. University of Pittsburgh Memoirs in Latin American Archaeology, No. 16: Pittsburgh, 2006
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    "Crafting" Hongshan communities? Household archaeology in the Chifeng region of eastern Inner Mongolia, PRC. Unpublished PhD dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh. [Thesis]
    Christian E. Peterson


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    Communities, settlements, sites, and surveys: Regional-scale analysis of prehistoric human interaction [Article]
    Christian E. Peterson, and Robert D. Drennan
    American Antiquity 70(1):5–30, 2005
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    Early chiefdom communities compared: The settlement pattern record for Chifeng, the Alto Magdalena, and the Valley of Oaxaca [Chapter]
    Robert D. Drennan, and Christian E. Peterson
    In Settlement, subsistence, and social complexity: Essays honoring the legacy of Jeffrey R. Parsons, Richard E. Blanton [ed.], pp. 119–154. Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, UCLA: Los Angeles, 2005


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    Comparing archaeological settlement systems with rank-size graphs: A measure of shape and statistical confidence [Article]
    Robert D. Drennan, and Christian E. Peterson
    Journal of Archaeological Science 31:533–549, 2004
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    Zaoqi qiuzhangzhi qunti de juluo xingtai bijiiao yanjiu–Yi Neimenggu dongbu, Andisishan beibu he Meizhou zhongbu sange diqu weili / Comparative settlement pattern research on early Chiefdom communities in eastern Inner Mongolia, the northern Andes, and Mesoamerica [Article]
    Robert D. Drennan, and Christian E. Peterson
    Jilin Daxue Shehuikexue Xuebao [Jilin University Journal of Social Sciences] 5:15–31, 2004


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    Regional archeology in eastern Inner Mongolia: A methodological exploration / Neimenggu dongbu (Chifeng) quyu kaogu diaocha jieduanxing baogao [Book]
    Chifeng International Collaborative Archeological Research Project [eds.]
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    Methods for archeological settlement study / Juluo kaogu yanjiude shijian [Chapter]
    Robert D. Drennan, Teng Mingyu, Christian E. Peterson, and 6 more authors
    In Regional archeology in eastern Inner Mongolia: A methodological exploration / Neimenggu dongbu (Chifeng) quyu kaogu diaocha jieduanxing baogao, Chifeng International Collaborative Archeological Research Project [eds.], pp. 122–151. Science Press: Beijing., 2003
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    Approaches to regional demographic reconstruction / Quyuxing renkou guimo chongjian zhi changshi [Chapter]
    Robert D. Drennan, Christian E. Peterson, Gregory G. Indrisano, and 5 more authors
    In Regional archeology in eastern Inner Mongolia: A methodological exploration / Neimenggu dongbu (Chifeng) quyu kaogu diaocha jieduanxing baogao, Chifeng International Collaborative Archeological Research Project [eds.], pp. 152–165. Science Press: Beijing., 2003
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    Taphonomy of an early Pleistocene archaeofauna from Xiaochangliang, Nihewan basin, north China [Chapter]
    Christian E. Peterson, Chen Shen, Chen Chun, and 2 more authors
    In Current research in Chinese Pleistocene archaeology, Chen Shen and Susan G. Keates [eds.], pp. 79–94. BAR International Series 1179. Archaeopress: Oxford, 2003